The Faster You Take Action the More Success You Are Likely to Have (Interview With Scott York)
Scott York escaped from his corporate job 20 years ago and has been helping athletes become bigger, faster, and stronger out of his garage gym ever since. His goal is to educate and motivate high school and college athletes to maximize their playing years by becoming stronger, physically, and mentally.
Business Mistakes:
“A mistake that I made that really slowed my journey was not automating my billing system. What I mean by that is I had started a Boot Camp, which was really popular or just becoming popular around 2005, at parks, so you had military-style boot camps and then you had more fun or recreational types of boot camps, I’m talking about fitness boot camps where you get people in shape, your average people out there, not athletes just your regular people. So when I started, my first mistake was not automating my payment system. I collected checks and cash each month rather than implementing an autopay system. I became a bill collector. I spent more time doing that instead of actually being a fitness professional”
Favorite Books:
Atomic Habits: An Easy and Proven Way to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones Book by James Clear
The Attractor Factor: 5 Easy Steps for Creating Wealth (or Anything Else) from the Inside Out Book by Joe Vitale
177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class: The Thought Processes, Habits and Philosophies of the Great Ones: Volume 3 Book by Steve Siebold
Favorite Quote:
“When you are doing something that you love to do the only reward you need is the experience of doing it”
Best Advice to Other Entrepreneurs:
“Follow your passion… Find a mentor. I think a really good one also public speaking… If you want to live the fullest life you are going to have to step outside of yourself and put yourself in those types of situations… Toastmasters helped me… Learning public speaking because you are going to have to do it just like I am doing right now, just like you are doing. And there are going to be opportunities in your life as you get better at your craft, at your job that people are going to want you to speak. And it’s going to help you if you can really polish that, polish your public speaking”
Link to the audio interview:
Other Quotes From the Chat With Scott York:
- “Think big, find a mentor”
- “’ Money likes speed’ as Joe Vitale likes to say. The faster you take action the more success you are likely to have”
- “Your process is more important than your end result. Because if your process is strong, if your process is clear if your process makes sense to you then the results are going to come”